Now, more than ever, your support means the world to Ellis 和 its students.
澳门新葡新京官方基金是澳门新葡新京官方的年度基金,用于学校当年的运营费用. 澳门新葡新京官方基金的捐赠弥补了学费和学校实际运营成本之间的差额. 这样的礼物是不受限制的, meaning donors allow the School to spend them on whatever it deems necessary.
For those who wish to make a meaningful impact on the lives of current students 和 donate to 定制的学费 (财政援助),并在他们的个人纳税申报表上获得宾夕法尼亚州教育税收抵免(EITC), 参与特殊目的实体(SPE)为EITC个人捐赠者创造了一个独特的机会.
Requirements to Qualify for the SPE Program for Individual Tax Credits:
The SPE program is based on tax liability, not income; therefore, each situation will be different. An individual or couple filing jointly must earn a minimum of $115,000 in state taxable income or have a state tax liability of $3,500人以上参加. 看看你是否符合条件, 您可以在最近的纳税申报表PA - 40表格第12行找到您的宾夕法尼亚州纳税义务.
This donation is a two‐year commitment to get a 90% tax credit for Pennsylvania.
捐赠者必须受雇于或拥有营利性企业,或在宾夕法尼亚州经营的企业中拥有股票. 如果你和配偶共同申请, 和 one works for a business 和 the other a nonprofit, both qualify for the purpose of determining tax liability.
美联储. 慈善扣除10%
To learn more, please contact Tami Clark at the Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund ( 电话:814-942-4406)或 点击这里了解更多信息. You may also direct questions to 进步主任 克莱尔Devereux ( 或412-661-6796,x131).
Always consult your tax accountant when making decisions that have a tax implication.
我们继续努力改善我们美丽校园的下一个项目是更新澳门新葡新京官方中学的所有公共空间. As we work together to get this crucial project across the finish line, we hope you will make an end-of-year donation toward this endeavor through the link below.
The Ellis endowment is a permanent, self-sustaining source of funding for 澳门官方老葡京. 捐资给教授的资金, 奖学金, 和持续的设施维护,确保澳门新葡新京官方能够吸引和留住一个有才华的教师和学生的社区, 以及校园的整体可持续性. 通过提供非学费运营资金, 捐赠基金帮助所有当前和未来的家庭尽可能负担得起学费,同时支持量身定制的学费, 教师的工资, 设施, 还有更多. 向澳门新葡新京官方捐赠的礼物是对学校及其学生产生深远影响的一种方式.
When you specify that you intend for your gift to be endowed, 您捐赠的主要金额将用于投资,投资收益将用于持续支持澳门新葡新京官方. Earnings in excess of the distribution are used to build the endowment’s market value. 当前的 endowed funds support 奖学金 和 定制的学费, 老师的椅子, 以及学校的其他关键需求. When you establish an endowment fund, you create a permanent legacy of support for Ellis. Please contact 进步主任 克莱尔Devereux at if you would like to discuss an endowed gift or have any questions.
In addition to Ellis’ ongoing fundraising initiatives, we often develop special projects to enhance our campus 和 the student experience. 资本天赋有能力在学生和教师在校期间为他们创造强大而重要的机会. Capital gifts not only fund brick 和 mortar projects, but can also support 奖学金; endowments; visiting scholars, 演讲者, 和 artists; travel grants; professional development, 和更多的. 请致电412-661-6796与发展办公室分享您对支持特殊项目的兴趣.
To find out if your employer has a matching gift policy, simply enter the name of your company in the search bar below. 在某些情况下, it’s possible to access companies’ matching forms directly through our search engine. 如果表格在网上找不到, please contact a Human Resources representative within your company about matching.
Here’s what you might need to know about Ellis to request a match:
The Ellis Fund provides the primary source of unrestricted funds to the School, allowing the School to apply funds to the areas of greatest need. 它由数百个无限制的礼物组成,帮助抵消澳门新葡新京官方每年的运营费用.
澳门官方老葡京 relies on its community of 父母, 爷爷奶奶, 女校友, 过去的父母, 朋友, 教员/员工, 基金会, 以及地区企业和公司的贡献. 澳门新葡新京官方基金的捐款会立即使用,并在收到捐款的同一财政年度内花掉.
是的. 在学年早期做出的礼物或承诺对学校来说是一个很大的优势,因为它使我们知道全年将有多少钱可用于支持学校的预算. The goal is to have Ellis Fund commitments by September 30. 捐款必须在5月31日前支付. We ask that matching gift pledges be submitted to employers by March 1.
是的! Every gift, no matter the amount, is greatly appreciated 和 important to our success. Furthermore, full participation helps us meet our fundraising goal.
另外, it shows strong support 和 engagement from our community, an important factor when approaching outside sources for contributions. Corporate 和 outside donors want to know if the 父母, 女校友, 和 爷爷奶奶 support the School 和 its missions. 参与澳门新葡新京官方基金表明了对学校的信心,并使澳门新葡新京官方在基金会和其他组织考虑向学校捐赠时处于有利地位.
We ask that you give at a level that is meaningful to you. In the past, individual gifts have ranged from $5 to $150,000. 而领导赠送1美元,000 和 above are crucial to the financial stability of the School, 各种大小的礼物都会有所不同. 所有的礼物都向澳门新葡新京官方社区的成员和外部资金来源发出了一个信息,即那些从澳门新葡新京官方受益最多的人会支持它.
Ellis operates on a fiscal year beginning July 1 和 ending June 30. 澳门新葡新京官方基金的募捐活动与新学年的开始相吻合,我们将继续募捐到6月30日, 学校财政年度的结束. 一旦你的礼物/承诺为学年做了, you will not be solicited for the Ellis Fund for the rest of the current fiscal year.